Bob Dutko

The Bob Dutko Show, Noon-4pm, Mon-Fri
Bob Dutko Prime Time, 9pm-10pm, Mon, Wed-Fri

Studio line: 877-82-82-BOB

Email Bob anytime at

Bob Dutko

Stump the Apologist

Here’s your chance to stump Bob Dutko with a feature we call, “Stump the Apologist.” where you can ask Bob the “tough questions” skeptics may have about our Christian faith. Bob will select a different question during each day’s show to read, then answer on the air.

We want to help equip you with the answers you need when you’re asked those same questions by the skeptics and non-believers in your life.

Stump the Apologist us brought to you by

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A gift of $28.00 dollars provides a free ultrasound session for a young woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. When a mother sees the ultrasound image of her child she chooses life 80% of the time. With your gift you’ll receive the story of a mom who chose life as well as the ultrasound image of her precious baby. And 100% of your gift goes directly to fund ultrasounds NOT overhead.

Compassion International

Help Bob help Compassion

Compassion International’s mission of helping children rise from poverty around the world is near and dear to Bob’s heart.

When you sponsor a child, you’ll be personally connected with a boy or girl who will know your name and treasure the thought that you care. Your support of $38 per month provides life-changing opportunities to millions of children who’ve grown to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults.

Top Ten Proofs

Bob's Top Ten Proofs

Top Ten Proofs is a collection of audio CDs and MP3s by Christian apologist Bob Dutko, giving evidences for the commonly held beliefs of Christians using science, logic, intellectual reasoning, history and factual evidence, but all in layman’s terms with simple basic language that is easy to understand and remember.

About Bob

Fearlessly Defending the Faith

“The Bob Dutko Show” (noon – 4pm, Mon-Fri) is Detroit’s number one Christian talk radio show and “Prime Time with Bob Dutko” (8PM, weeknights), is a “best of” hour taken from his earlier four-hour shows. He also hosts “Defending the Truth with Bob Dutko,” heard on radio stations across the country and which makes him one of the most listened to Christian talk show hosts in the U.S.

Bob is passionate about Christian apologetics. “I take complicated issues and translate them into everyday language,” he says. “I use science to logically prove what we as Christians believe, archaeology to prove the Bible is true and physics and science to prove Biblical Creation.”

Bob is passionate about Christian apologetics. “I take complicated issues and translate them into everyday language,” he says. “I use science to logically prove what we as Christians believe, archaeology to prove the Bible is true and physics and science to prove Biblical Creation.”

After growing up in what today would be described as a religious cult in Columbus, Ohio, Bob turned to a life of sex, drugs, alcohol and demonic activities. It was while working at a restaurant when he was 19 that the manager invited Bob and his girlfriend, Jeannine, to a church service where they both responded to an altar call. “My mother was part of this cult and my father was a hardcore agnostic, so I didn’t know any Christians and had no clue what to do next,” Bob recalls. “I only knew I didn’t want to spend eternity in hell, so I cut my hair, bought a Bible, started going to church, and began the process of my Christian journey.”

Bob and Jeannine were baptized together and have been married since 1984. They have had one daughter and have six sons. Their daughter, Colleen, passed away in 2002 after collapsing inexplicably into Bob’s arms. Naturally,  Colleen remain an inextricable part of Bob’s story. “It gets a little easier over time, but I never stop missing her,” he says.

In his spare time, Bob enjoys public speaking engagements and devotes the rest of his time to his family.  “I believe I am right where God would have me right now,” he says. “I care about politics and about strengthening people’s faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn’t feel fulfilled if I wasn’t doing this part of my job.”

Bob Dutko

Crawford Media Group logoFour radio hosts join forces in this unabashedly Christian, Conservative discussion of current events. The National Crawford Roundtable unites long-time broadcasters Bob Dutko (Detroit, MI); Neil Boron (Buffalo, NY); Roger Marsh (Southern CA); and John Rush (Denver, CO) in an honest review of today’s culture—without the left-wing agenda. With new episodes released weekly, the podcast covers news, culture, and politics from a Christian, Conservative perspective.

Have Bob Speak at Your Church or Event

Bob Regularly Speaks at:

• Sunday Morning or Evening Services
• Wednesday Night Services
• Men’s Prayer Breakfasts
• Weekend Retreats
• Special Church Events
• Fundraising Banquets
• Keynote Speaker or Emcee
• Apologetics Presentations
• Skeptics Night with Q&A
• Host an Apologetics Conference

Any size audience, from 10 to 10,000.

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